Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Final Assignment File

Final Assignment File

Q 1. Of the documents reviewed in class (excluding the U.S. Constitution), which do you feel serves as the most important at this point in time? Be sure to provide significant support for your argument. 2. When examining critical infrastructure, which sector possess the biggest risk and what legal and ethical issues must the U.S. government consider when attempting to harden the target?

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The Geneva Convention is completely a set of rules that could be applied at certain times especially during the armed battles in order to search for security for those people who no longer are found to get involve into any kind of hostility services. These mainly enlisted the sick as well as the wounded individuals who belonged to the armed military group of the field (Elder,1979). From the documents of class, I hereby feel that the “Geneva Convention” do serve as the most important in this point of time. It is actually a form of principle constituent based on global philanthropic rules and regulations which play a significant role in the contemporary era. Further, the Geneva Convention are certain set of regulations that keeps the non-military individuals secure and into the list also the injured as well as the aided military individuals and the prisoners of war are also included. The main reason in designing these Geneva Convention was not just to draw a line into the conflicting war but also to restrain the viciousness of the war disputes (Elder,1979). It is the Geneva Convention that completely belongs to the armed issues. Into this, the only concession was the Article 3 that was